Collection of HBV Cure FAQ videos
Community webinars about Hepatits B cure (HBV) have been taking place the past few years with ICE-HBV and partners from around the world, aimed at empowering the community by equipping them with the knowledge needed to understand the HBV cure research that is taking place for their benefit. Based on this idea, a group of international organizations, expert institutions and research projects working in and around Hepatitis B, including TherVacB, are partnering to create an enduring tool for people to understand the cure research: the HBV Cure FAQs. This growing collection of short videos answers key questions to HBV cure research raised by people living with Hepatitis.
Why do we need a Hepatitis B cure?
People living with Hepatitis B in Nigeria, Africa and all over the world need a cure to have hope for the future, to be able to stop the struggling, stop the fear of transmitting the virus, to remove shame and stigma and be confident every day.

Answered by: Danjuma Adda, Nigeria
President, World Hepatitis Alliance
What do you mean by a Hepatitis B cure?
The nature of the Hepatitis B virus is complex and can cause different kinds of infection. Thus, there are actually four levels of cure, each building on top of the last: level I partial cure, level II functional cure, level III complete cure and level IV sterilizing cure.

Answered by: Thomas Tu, Australia
Founder and Director,; President, Australian Centre for Hepatitis Virology; Group Leader, Westmead Institute for Medical Research, University of Sydney, Australia
What could a Hepatitis B cure look like?

Answered by: John Tavis, USA
Professor of Virology,St. Louis University School of Medicine, USA; Director, St. Louis University Drug Discovery Institute; Incoming Chair, International Coalition to Eliminate HBV ICE-HBV
Clinical Trials: Why do we need them?
Answered by: Philippa Matthews, UK
Infection Doctor and Clinical Group Leader at The Francis Crick Institute, UK
What do we need to achieve an HBV cure?

Answered by: Ulrike Protzer, Germany
Institute of Virology, Technical University Munich / Helmholtz Munich, Germany - Coordinator of TherVacB
How possible is a cure for Hepatitis B?
Answered by: Fabien Zoulim, France
ICE-HBV Chair, Medical Director of the Hepatology Department at the Hospices Civils de Lyon, and Scientific Director of the Department of Immunology and Virology of INSERM Unit 1052, France
How safe are clinical trials?

Answered by: Laura Kaltenberg and Katharina Bartsch, Germany
Clinical Trial Project Managers at CTC North, Hamburg, Germany – TherVacB Clinical Trial Management