Translations of the revised TherVacB website are now available in four languages!
To make info about the TherVacB vaccination study and the European HBV Registry more accessible to a Europen audience, we have partnered with researchers at study centres to produce this series of translations. The English version has now been joined by:
- Italian – produced with the kind support of AOP, Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria of Parma.
- Spanish and Katalan – produced with the kind support of FCRB, Fundació Clínic per a la Recerca Biomèdica
In addition to the TherVacB clinical trial, the TherVacB team has established a European registry for patients with chronic Hepatitis B. The European HBV Registry is currently active in Italy, Spain, UK and Germany and collects patient data on virological and immunological parameters during a hepatitis B virus infection. Every participant supports, with the data generated from him- or herself, to a better understanding of the HBV-mediated disease and to develop or refine therapies. Ultimately, this will help the community of patients in general!