It’s time for action, it’s World Hepatitis Day 2024!
Every year, 1.3 million people lose their lives to hepatitis. New data from the World Health Organization shows the number of deaths is rising.
The TherVacB team is not waiting for change. Together with researchers from the D-Solve consortium and supporting partners, we take action to make change happen!
On World Hepatitis Day 2024, we are proud to introduce the “Hepatitis D: B aware” campaign and its new series of short videos “Insights on HDV and HBV” answering key questions relating to hepatitis D and B.
DZIF professor for Translational Virology, Prof. Stephan Urban, kicks off the video series to raise awareness about hepatitis D (HDV) and hepatitis B (HBV) and to empower the community. He contributes to “Insights on HDV and HBV” by discussing: “What is hepatitis D and hepatitis D Virus (HDV)?”
- Why does hepatitis D only exist together with hepatitis B?
- What is a superinfection with hepatitis D?
- What happens in the hepatitis B / D infected cell?

“Insights on HDV and HBV” is a new info repository for people/patients designed to equip the community with the knowledge needed to understand the risk of hepatitis D infection in the context of the hepatitis B virus. The video series is a product of the “Hepatitis D: B aware | Stay informed, stay protected! All you need to understand about Hepatitis D and Hepatitis B” campaign supported by organizations, professional institutions and research consortia working in and around hepatitis B and D.
The TherVacB project is honoured to be one of the organizations involved along with the D-Solve project, and Deutsche Leberstiftung, ICE-HBV, Stephan Urban Foundation and DZIF.