Ott 12, 2022
An online lecture explores ethical benefits and challenges of social media recruitment for clinical studies.
Recruiting patients for clinical studies through social media yields ethical benefits and challenges. On 24th November 2022 at 15:00 CET, TherVacB experts in biomedical ethics, empirical research, social media, AI and digital health, Bettina M. Zimmermann and Theresa Willem, will open the floor to a brief discussion of benefits and challenges of social media recruitment for clinical studies from an ethical perspective. They will introduce a checklist for researchers to determine the suitability of social media recruitment when designing a study. In a Q&A session, they will be open to further discussing questions and comments from healthcare professionals, recruitment operators such as digital study, nurse researchers or young investigators in clinical settings.
Please register here to join the Zoom session:

In this lecture, Dr. Bettina M. Zimmermann and Theresa Willem, M.A., will introduce findings of their empirical and literary research carried out at the Institute of History and Ethics in Medicine, Technical University of Munich, Germany, published in a first article in the Journal of Medical Internet Research in May and September 2022.
Lug 28, 2022
Globally, 325 million people live with hepatitis, one of the most neglected diseases. On World Hepatitis Day 2022, the TherVacB project coordinator, Prof. Ulrike Protzer, joins the collective voices from across the world to raise awareness about Hepatitis B (HBV) and empower the HBV community. She contributes to the “The HBV Cure FAQs”, a new collection of short videos answering key questions relating to HBV cure research, by discussing: What do we need to achieve an HBV Cure? Anti-virals, immune therapries, or both?

The HBV Cure FAQs are a new tool aimed at empowering the community by equipping them with the knowledge needed to understand research for a HBV cure that is taking place for their benefit. It is a product of an international consortium of organizations, projects and expert institutions working in and around hepatitis B. The TherVacB project is honoured to be one of the organizations involved along with ICE-HBV, Hepatitis B Foundation, World Hepatitis Alliance,, Australian Centre for Hepatitis Virology, IP-cure-B project, and the Canadian HBV Network.
Nov 22, 2021
Get your one-off screening for hepatitis B from your GP in Germany
Hepatitis B can be treated well at an early stage, hepatitis C can even be cured. In Germany, like in other countries and regions of the world, many people affected are unaware of their infection. Since 1st October 2021, people living in Germany are now entitled to a one-off screening from the age of 35 at no extra cost carried out by their GP. In order to detect and treat infections with hepatitis B and hepatitis C viruses as early as possible, screening for both viruses in the health check-up for people with statutory health insurance as a health insurance benefit as of 1st October. The guidelines of the German Society for Gastroenterology, Digestive and Metabolic Diseases tell doctors what they should pay attention to in screening, diagnosis and therapy. Brand new recommendations on hepatitis B virus infections are now included due to TherVacB scientists Prof. Markus Cornberg (Hannover Medical School, Germany) and Prof. Ulrike Protzer (Helmholtz Zentrum Munich, Germany) and other experts.

- In its ninth year, European Testing Week continues to encourage partner organisations in community, health care and policy in Europe to join forces this autumn to increase integrated testing efforts & promote awareness on the benefits of hepatitis and HIV testing.
- European Testing Week supports testing activities throughout the year: To find out where you can have a test for HIV, hepatitis or other sexually transmitted infections use the European Test Finder. Hundreds of testing services for viral hepatitis, HIV and STIs are registered.
- Find out more about the campaign on their website here.
Nov 11, 2021
Haben Sie Fragen zur Virushepatitis?
Sprechen Sie im Rahmen einer speziellen Telefonsprechstunde zur Hepatitis B direkt mit Prof. Dr. Markus Cornberg, Erstautor der aktuellen Leitlinie zur Hepatitis B und Oberarzt an der Medizinischen Hochschule Hannover, einem der “TherVacB”-Prüfzentren.
Prof. Cornberg wird alle Fragen zur Hepatitis B beantworten – von „Was sind mögliche Wege der Ansteckung?“ oder “Trägt die gesetzliche Krankenkasse in Deutschland ein Screening auf Hepatitis B?” bis hin zu „Was bedeuten meine Leberwerte?“ und „Wie muss die Erkrankung behandelt werden?“.
Die Telefonsprechstunde zur Hepatitis B ist Teil der „B_Aware-Kampagne“ zur Aufklärung über Hepatitis B und findet anlässlich des Deutschen Lebertages am 16. November 2021 zwischen 16:00 und 18:00 Uhr statt. Sie erreichen Herrn Prof. Cornberg unter 01805 – 45 00 60. Für ein Telefonat fallen Verbindungskosten in Höhe von € 0,14/Min. aus dem deutschen Festnetz und max. € 0,42/Min. aus dem Mobilfunk an.
Weitere Informationen zur Lebergesundheit anlässlich des 22. Deutschen Lebertages finden Sie bei unserem Kooperationspartner, der Deutschen Leberstifung.
Lug 28, 2021
Every 30 seconds one person is dying from a hepatitis related illness. During the COVID-19 pandemic, there is a growing need to accelerate hepatitis elimination efforts. The TherVacB project team in Europe and Tanzania, working of clinical trial preparation on viral hepatitis B, remains fully dedicated to achieving the global elimination goal by 2030.

Mag 14, 2021
In times of COVID-19, European Testing Week aims to increase integrated testing efforts & promote awareness on the benefits of hepatitis and HIV testing!
This Spring European Testing Week 2021 and with COVID-19, we won’t be going back to “testing as usual”. Find out here about innovative testing strategies for viral hepatitis in times of COVID-19.
Now in its ninth year, the European campaign encourages partner organisations — in community, health care and policy institutions — throughout Europe to unite for one week in spring and in autumn to increase testing efforts and promote awareness on the benefits of earlier hepatitis and HIV testing.
Actually, European Testing Week supports testing activities throughout the year: To find out where you can have a test for HIV, hepatitis or other sexually transmitted infections use the European Test Finder. Hundreds of testing services for viral hepatitis, HIV and STIs are registered.
Find out more here.